Some thing about USA
洛杉矶—Los Angeles
洛杉磯—美國第二大城市,位於加利福尼亞州西南部,太平洋東側的聖佩德羅灣和聖莫尼卡灣沿岸。市區面積 1204.4 平方公里,人口 348.6 萬 (1990),黑人和墨西哥人約佔總人口的 17%和 15%,約 1/3 居民講西班牙語。大市區包括洛杉磯縣和奧蘭治、文圖拉兩縣的一部分,以及貝弗利希爾斯、帕薩迪納、長灘等 80 餘個大小城鎮,總面積 10567 平方公里,人口 1000 萬,僅次於紐約大市區。城市座落在三面環山、一面臨海的開闊盆地中,除局部為丘陵外,地面平衍,平均海拔 84 米;東北和東南面是聖加布列爾山和聖安娜山,森林茂密。氣候溫和宜人,多晴朗天氣,年降水量僅 357 毫米,以冬雨為主。原為印第安人牧區村落。 1781 年西班牙殖民者在此建鎮。 1822 年起由墨西哥管轄。 1846 年美、墨戰爭後歸屬美國。 1850 年設市。城市在美國向西部移民開發過程中逐步發展。 19 世紀 70-80 年代,橫貫大陸的南太平洋鐵路和連接中西部的聖菲鐵路先後通達,加以附近地區石油資源的發現和開發,使城市獲得較快發展。 20 世紀初,通過長距離管道引水,解決了城市的供水問題,城郊農業興旺;人工港的建成,巴拿馬運河的通航和好萊塢電影業的興起,加速了城市發展。第二次世界大戰以來,現代工業倔起,商業、金融業和旅遊業繁榮,移民激增,城區不斷向四周擴展,成為美國新興的特大城市。美國西部最大的工業中心,製造業產值約佔加利福尼亞州的 1/2,居全國第三位。重化工業發達。飛機製造業居突出地位,大市區 1.6 萬餘家工廠企業中,約有 2000 家從事飛機及其零部件製造;美國三大飛機製造公司中的洛克希德公司和道格拉斯公司,分設在市區北面的伯班克和西岸的聖莫尼卡。其次是石油開採、石油加工及電子儀表、鋼鐵、汽車、造船、化學、橡膠等工業部門。輕工業以服裝、食品、印刷等為主,罐頭食品、女式服裝和運動服生產馳名於世。工業分佈比較分散。大型飛機製造廠建在市區西北和南部;聖佩德羅灣沿岸的長灘是以煉油、造船等為主的綜合性重化工業區;市區以東為輕紡工業區,南郊為電子儀表工業區;東部為鋼鐵工業區,並有不少大型發電廠,市區西北的好萊塢集中 600 多家電影和電視製片廠。大市區內有大、小機場 10 個,其中位於城西的洛杉磯國際機場,闢有 57 條航線,為美國最繁忙的機場之一。洛杉磯為一城鎮群組合體,大而分散。 50 年代以前城市以向平面發展為主,低平的建築向四周伸延,規定建築高度不超過 46 米、15 層,以防地震。隨著空地減少、地價昂貴和建築技術改進,1957 年以來禁令取消,高層建築逐漸興起。現全市 40 層以上高樓已有 8 幢,第一州際銀行大樓高 261.5 米,仍層,為全市最高建築物。市區由 8 個相對獨立的部分鬆散組成。城中心區位於市區東端,以市政廳及其附近的市、縣、州、聯邦行政辦公大樓為主體,有日本人聚居區“小東京”和華人聚居區“中國城”等;其東北為城市的誕生地,至今還保留著古老的廣場、街道、商店,帶有濃郁的墨西哥色彩。中心區以西的中區是好萊塢所在地,好萊塢大街和橫貫全市的森塞特大街、威爾夏大街穿過本區,高層建築林立,為全市最繁華的商業街之一。
位於洛杉磯和聖地亞哥中間地帶,是名副其實的夢幻天堂。凡是想像力所能及的刺激與冒險,這裡應有盡有,從“美國大街”開始,主要的主題公園有“探險世界”“未來世界” “幻想世界”““界”“開拓之城” “開拓之城”“米老鼠之國”等主題樂園,它們都熱情地迎接著來自世界各地的遊客。在迪斯尼樂園,每年都會增加一些新的風景,各個季節都會有一些慶祝活動,每到”感恩節”"聖誕節”"復活節”等節假日時,這裡會顯得更為熱鬧,營業時間也會延長。
好萊塢星光大道—英文名稱(Hollywood Walk of Fame)是條沿著美國好萊塢好萊塢大道與藤街伸展的人行道,上面有 2000 多顆鑲有好萊塢商會追敬名人姓名的星形獎章,以紀念他們對娛樂工業的貢獻。第一顆星于 1960 年 2 月 9 日頒贈予瓊安·伍德(Joanne Woodward)。到了 2008 年 4 月 20 日凡娜·懷特(Vanna White)得到該榮譽時,上面共有 2309 顆星。星光大道沿著好萊塢大道自東邊的高爾街(Gower Street)延伸至西邊的拉布雷亞大道(La Brea Avenue),然後順著絲蘭街(Yucca Street)與日落大道(Sunset Boulevard)之間的藤街由北向南推進。除非偶爾因附近施工或其他理由而更換位置外,大道上的星形獎章位置是永久不變的。每顆星皆由一顆水磨石製成:將其製成粉色五角星形並鑲上青銅然後嵌入深灰色的方塊中。粉色星形內是刻在青銅上的授獎者名字,在此下面則為一環狀標誌,代表受獎人領取星星的領域。
環球電影公司成立於 1915 年,被視為美國最大的電影公司總部,當時米高梅 (MGM)、哥倫比亞、派拉蒙、20 世紀福斯和聯美等製片廠都還尚未成立。六十年代初期因電視的崛起,電影市場一度蕭條,環球電影公司於 1964 年 7 月 4 日開始對外開放,每年吸引上百萬的觀光客至此觀光,並成為片廠最大的一筆收入。環球電影公司座落在美國電影工業重鎮好萊塢,佔地 525 英畝,佔據了整座好萊塢山,而實際投入使用的有 485 英畝。它由 48 個電影製片廠組成,其中有 32 個致力於影片的拍攝。環球電影城是世界上最大的電影和電視劇產地,而好萊塢環球影城主題公園是洛杉磯最為著名的旅遊景點。這次旅程將帶您遊歷城裡的恐怖片的拍攝場景,如:雪崩斷橋、山洪爆發、大白鯊、金剛咆哮等等, 還可以看到電影“回到未來”、“侏羅紀公園” 、“異形”的仿真模型場景。栩栩如生的造型讓您有一種身臨其境的感覺。而在未來水世界和飆風戰警裡又會有令人畏懼和神經緊張的感受。您也可以感受終結者 2 的 3D,4D 的立體影片。在這裡您可以充分的體驗場面宏大的表演和動物秀,以及幽默滑稽的兒童節目。
拉斯維加斯—Las Vegas
拉斯維加斯—(英文名稱 Las Vegas)是西部旅遊城,位於內華達州東南角,西南距洛杉磯 466 公里,市區面積 142 平方公里,人口 25.8 萬。大市區面積 712 平方公里,位於大盆地內一寬廣谷地中,海拔 670 米,氣候乾旱,但自流泉周圍土肥草盛 1839 年印第安人開始在此聚居。
1855 年,一批來自猶他州的摩門教徒移居到此,20 世紀初隨聯合太平洋鐵路通達而逐漸興起 1905 年建市 30 年代其東南 47 公里處胡佛水壩築成,壩後的米德湖為世界最大的人工期之一,充足的水電供應也促進了城市發展 1946 年出現大型賭場 50 年代發展為以賭博為特色的著名遊覽地,有賭城之稱,60 年代開闢了沙漠療養區城市經濟主要依賴旅遊業,集中全市就業人口 30 萬,每年接待遊客約 1000 萬,市內多豪華的夜總會旅社餐館和賭場,有查爾斯頓娛樂區和死谷國家博覽館,城郊是礦區和牧場,有規模頗大的內利斯空軍基地美國能源研究和開發局的內華達試驗場每年 5 月的赫爾多拉多節,居民穿著古老的西部服裝舉行競技表演和遊行。提到拉斯維加斯,你想到什麼?賭博、霓虹、巨星秀,還是讓人逛得眼花繚亂的巨型商場由洛杉磯沿著 15 號州際公路,往北直行,便可抵達這座身處於內華達沙漠中的不夜城。拉斯維加斯是美國最大賭城和娛樂城。位於內華達州南部的一座沙漠城,西南距洛杉磯 466 公里。拉斯維加斯原本只是到加州路上的一個綠洲,周圍則是一望無盡的沙漠。自從 1830 年,西班牙的探險隊發現此地,並將這地方命名為“Vegas”(豐美的草場)後,這名字一直沿用至今。 20 世紀初,隨聯合太平洋鐵路通達而逐漸興起,1905 年建市。 30 年代,內華達州決定使賭博成為合法的事業,此令一出,幾乎在一夜之間,市區的賭場紛紛成立,查爾斯頓娛樂區和死谷國家博覽館就很具代表性。拉斯維加斯的“賭城”之名也就此傳開。 250 家賭場和 6 萬多個“吃角子老虎”,日夜開業,其氣派可與歐洲摩納哥的世界都城蒙特卡羅相比。現在的拉斯維加斯已擁有全世界頂尖的度假酒店,和世界一流的大型表演及高科技的娛樂設施。
當金字塔 (Luxor)、金銀島 (Treasure Island)、米高梅 (MGM Grand) 等斥資數億美元建設的主題飯店,於 1993 年起陸續在拉斯維加斯開幕以來,每年前往拉斯維加斯的遊客頓時驟增不少,另外,內華達州有法律規定,只有年滿 21 歲以上的人,才可以喝酒和賭博。除了賭場和娛樂場所,拉斯維加斯城郊則是以礦區和牧場居多,如規模頗大的內利斯空軍基地、美國能源研究和開發局的內華達試驗場等。此外,在自然景觀及巨大工程方面,亦擁有科羅拉多河、大峽谷及胡佛水壩等聞名世界的景觀,拉斯維加斯氣候乾燥炎熱,周圍都是沙漠。最熱月為 6、7、8 月,氣溫可達 38℃。
米高梅賭場—由億萬富豪冠克科可連恩(Kirt Kerkorian)所擁有的米高梅公司所投資興建。包括飯店、賭場、室外遊樂場等各項設施在內,總共佔地 114 英畝;飯店樓高 30 層,號稱房間數超過 5,000 間。飯店內有美食餐廳、兩座表演廳、溫泉、游泳池、四個有夜間照明設備的
網球場以及可容納 1 萬 5 千 2 百名觀眾的大型活動場地,專門供超級巨星演出音樂會或舉辦世界級的運動競賽。室外複合遊樂場中,除了季節性開放的美食及飲料販賣區外,還有大型的電動遊樂設施、主題街道與劇場。目前米高梅正在進一項斥資 7 億 5 千萬美元的擴建及主題轉型計劃。
貝拉吉奧賭場酒店—位於拉斯維加斯的貝拉吉奧大酒店坐落在拉斯維加斯的賭場區中心,酒店的庭院內有一個人工湖,湖內每天有次數的音樂噴泉表演,配合著音樂與燈光翩翩起舞,以其曼妙舞姿征服觀眾,人稱“貝拉吉奧噴泉”,來拉斯維加斯的人,無論是滿載而歸、還是運氣不佳,但是,必須看的是“貝拉吉奧噴泉”表演。噴泉表演的背後是大量的水下管道和 1000 多個噴嘴,同時配以 4000 多盞燈以及音樂。貝拉吉奧噴泉注定讓您產生浪漫情懷,拉斯維加斯水上秀曾榮獲美譽,靈動的流水、美妙的音樂和迷離的燈光交相輝映,令眾多愛慕者為之著迷。一切都是為了愉悅、最富於激情、舞蹈般花樣繁多的噴泉功能實在令人驚嘆不已,絕不亞於拉斯維加斯的碧海晴空構成的美麗帷幕。噴泉水幕的每一個動態表演無論在其表現形式還是內涵的詮釋,都是獨一無二的。
好萊塢星球酒店 (Planet Hollywood ) 原為阿拉丁酒店 (Aladdin),2000 年投資 12 億美元在原址重建而成,投資方將酒店建成阿拉伯風格,取名阿拉丁,原想藉此吸引阿拉伯富豪入住,誰想,2001 年投資 12 億美元在原址重建而成,投資方將酒店建成阿拉伯風格的
由於拉斯維加斯地處沙漠,氣候惡劣,夏季氣溫高達攝氏 40 多度,各大賭場酒店大多設有室內商業名品街,店堂裝修奢華,而好萊塢星球酒店內的商場是最豪華的,在酒店有 80 多家著名的國際品牌的商場,當走在商場中間的過道上,頭頂是“藍藍的天空”,不時還有“暴風驟雨”,其實,這些都是人工設計的,使得購物者如同走在天然的、寬敞的馬路上一樣,享受著購物的快樂。
華盛頓—Washington DC
美國首都華盛頓位於馬里蘭州與弗吉尼亞州之間,四周群山環抱。市區面積 174 平方公里,人口 57.8 萬,其中黑人約佔 70%。標準都市統計區還包括馬里蘭的 2 個縣、弗吉尼亞的 4 個縣及費爾法克斯、福爾斯徹奇、亞歷山德里亞 3 個城鎮,人口 320 萬。市區位於波托馬克河和阿納卡斯蒂亞河匯合處的東北岸,地勢平坦,平均海拔約 22 米,僅西北角有和緩的起伏高地。氣候冬冷、夏熱,全年濕潤。年平均氣溫 12.6℃,7 月 20-31℃,1 月 3-6℃,年平均降水量 1068 毫米,季節分配較均勻。
華盛頓是為紀念美國第一任總統華盛頓而命名的,這裡集中了美國國家機關的重要部門,如聯邦政府最高國家機關總統府、國會、國務院、國防部等,是美國最高指揮中心和政治、文化活動中心。國會大廈和白宮之間有“聯邦三角”建築群,包括聯邦政府各部、機構以及國家美術館、國家檔案館、泛美聯盟、史密森國家博物館和聯邦儲備大廈等。國會大廈東鄰為最高法院大廈,附近的國會圖書館為僅次於莫斯科列寧圖書館的世界第二大館,毗鄰的莎士比亞圖書館以藏莎翁著作及其研究文獻而著稱於世。國防部所在的五角大樓座落於波托馬克河西南岸。華盛頓市區呈長方形,面積 178 平方公里,以國會大廈為中心,分為東南、東北、西北、西南四個區。南北向街道以阿拉伯數字符名,東西向街道以英文字母命名,13 條斜形大道以美國最早的 13 個州命名,西北區是華盛頓的心臟,有最重要的政府建築和紀念碑、博物館,賓夕法尼亞大街以北為主要商業區,馬薩諸塞大街向北伸展部分為使館區。
華盛頓是世界各國少有的僅以政府行政職能為主的現代化大城市,財政收入主要依賴政府公務及各企業的業務活動,其次是旅遊業,製造業只佔經濟結構的一小部分,聯邦政府禁止在該市發展工業。華盛頓全城有數百處紀念建築物、紀念碑、雕像等,大部與歷屆總統有關。在市區西部、波托馬克河東岸的綠化地帶,有歷史上 3 位總統的紀念地:華盛頓紀念塔面臨波托馬克河公園,為白大理石的方尖塔,高 169 米,可俯視全市景色。沿河是著名的日本櫻花林,紀念塔西面有林肯紀念堂,為古希臘式建築,堂外有 36 根白大理石圓柱,象徵當時組成國家的 36 個州,內有林肯坐像;紀念塔南面有杰斐遜總統紀念堂,堂外有他的騎馬雕像,1971 年又建成約翰肯尼迪中心,包括現代化的劇院、音樂廳、歌劇院、交響樂院和芭蕾舞劇院等。
華盛頓紀念碑—是為紀念美國首任總統喬治·華盛頓而建造的,它位於華盛頓市中心,在國會大廈、林肯紀念堂的軸線上,是一座大理石方尖碑,底部面積為 39 平方米,高 169 米,紀念碑內有 50 層鐵梯,也有 70 秒到頂端的高速電梯,遊人登頂後通過小窗可以眺望華盛頓全城、弗吉尼亞州、馬里蘭州和波托馬克河。紀念碑內牆鑲嵌著 188 塊由私人、團體及全球各地捐贈的紀念石,其中一塊刻有中文的紀念石是清政府贈送的,紀念碑的四周是碧草如茵的大草坪,這裡經常會舉行集會和遊行。無論以任何交通工具,從任何方向來到華盛頓時,首先映入你眼簾的就是這座用來紀念華盛頓偉業的紀念碑。這座華盛頓的標誌建築,整個碑身上沒有一個字母,彷彿在告訴人們,華盛頓一生的偉業是難以用文字來表達的。
林肯紀念堂—為紀念美國第十六屆總統亞伯拉罕·林肯而建。林肯對黑奴解放作出了偉大的功勳,他在 1865 年 4 月 14 日被刺身亡。紀念堂於 1914 年。它是一座仿古希臘巴特農神廟式的古典建築,東西長 118 英尺,南北寬 188 英尺,高 80 英尺,36 根古樸的白色大理石圓柱支撐著紀念堂。紀念堂正中是一座高 19 英尺的林肯坐像,塑像的左首牆壁上鐫刻著林肯在第二次就任總統時的演說辭,背後的石壁上刻著五行大字:“在這座殿堂內,正如在人民的心中,為了人民,他拯救了聯邦。對於亞伯拉罕·林肯的紀念永遠長存。
美國國會大廈—建在一處海撥為 83 英尺的高地上,故名國會山。 1793 年華盛頓親自為大廈奠基,南北戰爭爆發後,有人提議停建該大廈,林肯總統卻堅持要將高 280 英尺的大圓頂造好。現在,國會大廈的這個圓頂已經成為電視中美國政治新聞報導的最佳背景,圓頂內部是一個可容納二三千人的金碧輝煌的大廳。大廈的北廂是參議院,南廂是眾議院,兩院各有小會議廳和許多大小房間。此外還有雕像廳,裡面是幾十座美國各州歷任議員的巨型雕像。白色的國會大廈被草坪和樹林環繞,遠看猶如被置放在綠絨毯上的象牙雕刻。
美國航空航天博物館——英文名稱:(National Air & Space Museum)
座落在華盛頓市區國家大草坪東部的南側,館區從南第四街到第七街,佔了 3 個街區,隸屬於史密森學會 (Smith sonia)。航天館於 1972 年由國會批准撥款興建,1976 年 7 月對公眾開放,是世界上航空和航天科學技術方面收藏品最豐富的博物館,涉及的領域包括航空學,宇宙航行學,地球和行星,以及航空史等。這個館的突出特點是收集了具有重要歷史意義和代表尖端技術的飛機、宇航器、火箭、導彈、各種航空發動機、推進器等。此外,還有大量模型、飛行服、獎品、儀器、飛行設備,以及著名發明家、飛行員、重要航空史實的遺留物。其中絕大多數都是實物,只有少量的是複製品。收藏品中,僅有一部分用於展出,另有相當數量的藏品出借給世界其他博物館展用。該館面積之大,即使走馬觀花也需要好幾個小時,如作深入了解,花上一個月時間也探索不盡。是華盛頓地區景點中最引人的博物館之一,自 1976 年 7 月 1 日開館以來,每年的參觀者超過一千萬人次。博物館的飛行類陳列物品琳瑯滿目,包羅萬象,例如世界第一架超聲速飛機、蘇聯和美國首次發射的人造衛星、美國第一艘載人宇宙飛船、飛近金星的”水手 2 號”、兩次世界大戰中的軍用飛機、軍用飛機、艦載飛機、直升飛機、小型私人飛機、氣球飛艇等等。除了實物陳列外,博物館寓教於樂,除有模擬設備供操作外,還有詳盡的展覽與介紹,涵蓋航空娛樂、飛行試驗、宇宙知識、火箭和空間技術、人造衛星、月面探索、航空工程等各類主題。博物館專設有空間環境研究中心,專家可在此研究宇宙空間、地球和月球的物理、化學與地質情況。
航天館內有一必遊之地,那就是該館特有的巨型高清晰度電影(IMAX),它的銀幕寬 23 米,高 17 米,是通常寬銀幕的好幾倍。該影院輪流放映介紹航空航天知識的電影,每部影片 30 分鐘左右,需要購票進入。放映的影片有《飛》(To Fly), 描述從風箏到飛機到太空的人類飛行之旅;《活著的夢》(The Dream is Alive),實況介紹航天飛船上的生活,立體效果,令人如臨其境 ; 《藍色的行星》(Blue Planet),以外層空間的視角看地球– 人類賴以生存的一個藍色星球 ; 《活生生的行星》(Living Planet),紀錄了地球上的自然風光和人類建築。
坐落在美國華盛頓附近波托馬克河畔的阿靈頓鎮,是美國國防部所在地。從空中俯瞰,這座建築成正五邊形,故名“五角大樓”。五角大樓佔地面積 235.9 萬平方米,大樓高 22 米,共有 5 層,總建築面積 60.8 萬平方米,使用面積約 34.4 萬平方米,當時造價 8700 萬美元,於 1943 年 1 月 15 日建成,同年 5 月啟用,可供 2.3 萬人辦公。大樓南北兩側各有一大型停車場,可同時停放汽車 1 萬輛。 1947 年 9 月,美國第 33 任總統杜魯門建立的國防部開始在此辦公。從此,五角大樓便成了美國國防部的代稱。樓裡除國防部機關外,還包括下屬的參謀長聯席會議和陸、海、空軍三總部。五角大樓一層大廳內有銀行、郵局、書店、診療所、電報局以及各種商店。有“國防部靈魂”之稱的參謀長聯席會議在二樓,這一層辦公樓舖有金色地毯,人稱“金廳”。國防部長辦公室和陸軍部在三樓。三樓走廊一角有一“英雄廳”,為紀念獨立戰爭以來的“最高榮譽勳章”獲得者而設。這裡掛著 3000 多塊銅牌,上面鐫刻著他們的姓名、籍貫和簡歷。還有馬歇爾、艾森豪威爾和麥克阿瑟三個五星上將的“紀念走廊”,陳列著他們各時期的照片、軍裝、勳章、手槍,以及他們所簽署的命令、文物等。三樓以上,為海軍部和空軍部。 2001 年 9 月 11 日,美國航空公司的 77 號航班被恐怖分子劫持,於上午 9:37 分撞入五角大樓,大樓部分建築被大火焚毀,並造成航班上的 64 人以及大樓內的 125 人共計 189 人遇難。
紐 約—New York
世界特大城市之一,美國最大的金融、商業、貿易和文化中心。位於美國東北部哈得孫河注入大西洋的河口處。市區面積 945 平方公里,其中水面 168 平方公里。人口 732 萬 (1990)。由曼哈頓、布朗克斯、布魯克林、昆斯和里士滿 5 個區組成。此外,還包括自由島、埃利斯島、加弗納斯島、羅斯福島等小島。大紐約市除上述 5 個區外,還包括紐約州、新澤西州和康涅狄格州的 26 個縣,面積 32400 餘平方公里,是世界最大的都市區之一;人口 1680 萬,是全國人口密度最大的地區。紐約氣候溫和濕潤,全年無霜期 276 天,年平均氣溫 11℃,年降水量 1091 毫米,雨日 123 天。
曼哈頓和布魯克林區間河面較狹,有著名的橋樑 3 座和地下電車道 5 條。紐約也是全國文化教育和電視、廣播中心。擁有 94 所大學和學院,976 所公立學校,914 所私立學校。紐約市立大學規模最大,包括 17 個學院和一個研究生所院,註冊學生 17.7 萬人。哥倫比亞大學是全市創建最早的高校 (1754 年始建),是最著名的私立大學;其次是紐約大學等。福爾特罕和聖約翰大學是著名天主教會學校。此外還有眾多的博物館、美術館、圖書館、科研機構、藝術中心等。其中最著名的大都會藝術博物館是全美洲規模最大的一所。紐約的公園、遊樂場、海灘療養地、劇院、歌劇院、音樂廳、畫廊等均佔全國首位。僅公園就有 100 餘個。聳立在自由島上的自由女神像被視作紐約市的“陸標”,建成於 1886 年,是法國人民為紀念美國獨立戰爭和兩國人民友誼而贈送的禮物。自由女神像連底座約高 100 米,內有螺旋形階梯和電梯可抵達女神像頭部,頭部內是一間可容 40 餘人的觀覽廳,可眺望港區全景。在紐約市的各區中,曼哈頓區居最重要地位,向有“紐約市的心臟”之稱。它位於同名島上,面積 80 平方公里,在 5 個區中面積最小。百老匯大街呈東南一西北向斜貫全島,島上著名的旅社、餐館、百貨公司、專業商店、影劇院、音樂廳和博物館大都集中於此。此區中部有洛克菲勒中心,聚集了許多摩天樓群。座落在本區南部第五大道與 34 街口的帝國大廈,完成於 1931 年,樓高 381 米,有 102 層。 1973 年又建成“世界貿易中心”大廈,並立兩座方柱形建築,高 419 米,110 層,是目前紐約的最高建築物。中央區西南是“服裝業區”。北鄰為商業繁盛的時報廣場。中央區西部,伊斯特河畔,是聯合國總部所在地,矗立著 39 層的聯合國秘書處大樓 (聯合國大廈);其北是聯合國會議廳,南為藏書數十萬冊的聯合國圖書館。中央區以北是中央公園,公園西面有“林肯中心”,佔地約 6 公頃,是美國的藝術和文化中心,世界各國有名的交響樂隊、歌劇團和芭蕾舞團常到此演出。曼哈頓島南端集中了市政廳和聯邦、州、市、縣許多辦公機構。其東南即為華爾街,東西走向,與百老匯大街斜交。曼哈頓島北端是黑人聚居區哈萊姆區,充塞著破舊的貧民窟。島南有康尼小島,兩島間僅隔狹窄水道,是假日遊想的地區之一。
舉世聞名的自由女神像,高高地聳立在紐約港口的自由島上,象徵著美國人民爭取自由的崇高理想。自由神像重 45 萬磅,高 46 米,底座高 45 米,是當時世界上最高的紀念性建築,其全稱為“自由女神銅像國家紀念碑”,正式名稱是“照耀世界的自由女神”。整座銅像以 120 鋼鐵為骨架,80 銅為外皮,30 萬隻鉚釘裝配固定在支架上,總重量達 225。銅像內部的鋼鐵支架是由建築師約維雷勃杜克和以建造巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔聞名於世的法國工程師艾菲爾設計製作的。女神雙唇緊閉,頭戴光芒四射的冠冕,身著羅馬古代長袍,右手高擎長達 12 米的火炬,左手緊抱一部象徵《美國獨立宣言》的書板,上面刻著《宣言》發表的日期“1776.7.4”字樣。創作這一藝術傑作的是 19 世紀後期一位才華橫溢的雕塑家,他的名字叫弗雷德. 巴托爾迪。 1869 年自由神像的草圖設計完成,巴托爾迪便開始全心全意地投入雕塑工作。他曾去過美國旅行,爭取美國人對塑像計劃的支持,但美國人遲遲沒有意識到這一禮品的珍貴。直到 1876 年巴托爾迪參加在費城舉行的慶祝獨立 100 週年博覽會時,為了引起公眾的注意,便把自由女神執火炬的手在博覽會上展出,才引起一場轟動。擺在人們面前的這隻手僅食指就長達 2.44 米,直徑 1 米多,指甲厚 25 厘米,火炬的邊沿上可以站 12 個人。於是這件幾天前還鮮為人知的雕塑品頓時身價百倍,成為美國人人渴望欣賞的藝術珍品。不久,美國國會便通過決議,正式批准總統提出接受女神像的請求,同時確定貝德羅島為建立女神像的地點。
1884 年 7 月 6 日,自由像正式贈送給美國。同年 8 月 5 日,自由神像底座奠基工程動工。 1886 年初,75 名工人爬上高高的腳手架,用 30 萬隻鉚釘把自由神像約 100 塊零件釘到它的骨架上。 10 月中旬,自由神像的建立終於全部完工。 10 月 28 日,美國總統親自參加自由神像揭幕典禮並發表了講話。無數群眾簇擁在神像周圍,懷著激動的心情企首仰望著自由女神像第一次露出她莊嚴的面容。巴托爾迪由於他的卓越功績而當選為紐約市榮譽市民和法國榮譽勳團指揮級團員。他於 1904 年 10 月 5 日在巴黎逝世,但他所塑造的自由神像永遠表達著人民對自由的熱愛和嚮往。
聯合國大廈 - 聯合國 (United Nations),佔地 18 英畝,這塊是當時紐約富商洛克斐勒捐出 850 萬美金買下的土地,並送給聯合國,希望能將聯合國總部留在紐約,以鞏固紐約的世界地位。聯合國建築群興建於 1947 至 1953 年間,由美國建築師 Wallace Harrison 工作小組設計,約可分為幾個重要部分,從參觀入口進入後,右側的大樓是聯合國大樓,後面那棟方正筆直得像火柴盒的大樓是秘書處大樓,沿著東河濱的一排辦公大廳是安全理事會、社會暨經濟理事會,東河濱的人行步道很值得觀賞,因為旁邊有一座美麗的玫瑰園,約有 1,400 株玫瑰,都是會員國贈送的。
在聯合國大樓的 1 樓內設有服務台,提供聯合國的介紹行程,時間約 45 分鐘,有 20 種語言可供選擇,要聽普通話亦可,這個大廳內設有許多各會員國贈送的藝術品,可以好好地欣賞一番,另外,千萬不要錯過樓下的禮品部門,裡面有世界各國的特色娃娃。提醒你!這裡的安全檢查頗為嚴格。
1883 年大都會歌劇院遷移至百老匯與 40 街口,帶動了劇院與餐廳的蓬勃發展,1920 年電影藝術的崛起更為此地畫上一片彩虹榮景,然而於 1929 年證券市場崩潰後跌入低迷的深淵,直至 80 年代,百老彙的風華才逐漸恢復,現在,這塊三角地區已再度成為紐約娛樂事業的聚光焦點。時代廣場是由百老匯街與第七大道切割出來的三角形畸零地,這是紐約劇院最密集的區域, 1920 年開始時代廣場五光十色的年代,現在從 44 街至 51 街約有 30 間主要的劇院,時代廣場的名稱是因為美國舉足輕重的紐約時報 (New York Times) 而命名,之前,這裡稱為長畝廣 (Longacre Square) ,是馬商、鐵匠、馬厩的集散地,當然不乏雞鳴狗盜之輩橫行, 20 世紀初,在歌舞劇盛行的帶動下,百老匯一時冠蓋雲集。
讓時代廣場國際出名的理由是除夕夜的新年倒數,這是源自於 1904 年,紐約時報選在除夕當天遷入該廣場的新大樓,並在午夜施放煙火慶祝,從此變成了除夕夜的傳統活動,往後便年年如此,每年的 12 月 31 日,在 One Times Square Plaza 的頂樓都會懸掛一顆 200 磅的彩球,新年來臨的那一剎那,彩球打開並飄散出無數的彩帶慶賀。為了將千禧年的新年倒數活動推到最高潮,去年時代廣場周遭的商店早已大興土木,希望在那一夜艷冠群倫,為了怕千禧年前夕的狂熱導致場面失控,政府還特別要求廣場旁的劇院於該夜不得營業,以避免增加更多的人潮。廣場的北邊是杜菲廣場 (Duffy Square) ,站在廣場中央向南眺望,可以欣賞到時代廣場獨特的招牌奇觀。
紐約帝國大廈—始建於 1930 年 3 月,是當時使用材料最輕的建築,建成於西方經濟危機時期,成為美國經濟復甦的象徵,如今仍然和自由女神一起成為紐約永遠的標誌。曾為世界第一高大樓和紐約市的標誌性建築。帝國大廈是一棟超高層的現代化辦公大樓,它和自由女神像一起被稱為紐約的標誌。地上建築有 381 米高的帝國大廈,自 1931 年以來,雄踞世界最高建築的寶座達 40 年之久。此大廈在美國經濟最蕭條,最不景氣的時候,以僅僅不到 2 年的時間建成。在 86 樓及 102 樓有瞭望台,由於是露天的望台,台上的風力相當大,晴天的時候可遠望至 100 公里遠的地方。
帝國大廈是全世界第九高的大樓,參觀過帝國大廈的著名人士包括英國前首相丘吉爾、英國伊莉莎白二世女王、古巴總統卡斯特羅、蘇聯已故總理赫魯曉夫。帝國大廈擁有許多世界之最:在建築史上創每周修建 4 層半樓的紀錄;每天參加施工的人員高達 4000 人,全部工作量超過 700 萬工時;共使用 6 萬噸鋼、1000 萬塊磚、80 萬公里長的電纜與電線、192 公里長的管道;1600 公里長的電話電纜;6500 扇窗戶,18600 台階。
“美國有一個古老而充滿敵意的笑話說:華爾街是這樣一條街,它的一端是一條河,另一端是一座墳墓。地理上的華爾街的確是一條長不過 500 米的小街,它的最東邊是紐約的東河,最西邊是華爾街的三一教堂和一片墓地,美國第一任財政部長漢密爾頓就埋葬於此。華爾街的名字 Wall Street,來源於早年定居紐約的荷蘭裔移民為抗擊英國人入侵而修建的一道木柵欄牆。這個笑話一方面說明富可敵國的華爾街在地理上不過是一條區區小街而已;另一方面,它也折射出美國社會中一直存在的一種對華爾街厭惡和嘲諷的心理,在很多人的心目中,華爾街是一個自私、貪婪和充滿罪惡的地方。
第五大道—第五大道把曼哈頓分為東西兩半,這一帶是全球知名的高級商店集中地區和商業貿易中心。起自華盛頓廣場的北邊,呈一直線至哈林區。而以高級商店街及商業區聞名的則集中於第 42 街至第 59 街之間,全長不足 1.5 公里的街道上集中了洛克菲勒大廈,哥特教堂建築,蒂法那、加爾蒂等歐洲或美國的名牌專賣店,這裡是名副其實的購物者天堂。 1883 年,美國鐵路大王范德比爾德在紐約第五大道與 51 大街之間大興士木,蓋起了一棟極盡奢華之能事的私宅,這一事件被後人認為是第五大道急劇走向繁華的開端,榜樣的力量是無窮的,在紐約第五大道上擁有一棟私寵很快就成為美國富有階層身份的象徵,所以,第五大道也因此成為美國人心目中的神聖之地。
伍德伯里 -
(Woodbury Common Factory Outlet)是紐約或者說美國最大的名牌產品直銷商店,Outlet 在漢語的意思是“清理庫存、廉價銷售”的意思。伍德伯里名牌產品直銷商店收集了世界上 221 家名牌產品,商店位於紐約北部大約 1.5 小時路程。這些商店銷售各類男女服裝、各類箱包、珠寶首飾、廚房用具、鞋帽等等,主要的世界品牌包括:阿迪達斯(Adidas)、阿瑪尼 (A/X Amani)、卡文克萊 (Calvin)、寇馳 (Coach)、杜嘉班納 (Dolce)、芬迪 (Fendi)、耐克(Nike)、波羅(Polo)、古馳(Gucci)還有兒童喜歡的迪斯尼(Disney)等等,幾乎世界上所有的知名品牌在這裡都可找到,而且價格僅是城市里大商場的一半或更低,某些特殊的商品折扣在 25%–65% 左右。同時,在這裡購物不用擔心是冒牌貨,在美國是很難找到那種東西的,如果想逛遍所有商場大約需要 5 個小時以上。
Britain's American colonies broke with the mother country in 1776 and were recognized as the new nation of the United States of America following the Treaty of Paris in 1783. During the 19th and 20th centuries, 37 new states were added to the original 13 as the nation expanded across the North American continent and acquired a number of overseas possessions. The two most traumatic experiences in the nation's history were the Civil War (1861-65), in which a northern Union of states defeated a secessionist Confederacy of 11 southern slave states, and the Great Depression of the 1930s, an economic downturn during which about a quarter of the labor force lost its jobs. Buoyed by victories in World Wars I and II and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the US remains the world's most powerful nation state. Since the end of World War II, the economy has achieved relatively steady growth, low unemployment and inflation, and rapid advances in technology.
World's third-largest country by size (after Russia and Canada) and by population (after China and India); Mt. McKinley is highest point in North America and Death Valley the lowest point on the continent
Location: North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico
Geographic coordinates: 38 00 N, 97 00 W
Area: total: 9,826,675 sq km land: 9,161,966 sq km water: 664,709 sq km note: includes only the 50 states and District of Columbia
Size comparison: about half the size of Russia; about three-tenths the size of Africa; about half the size of South America (or slightly larger than Brazil); slightly larger than China; more than twice the size of the European Union
Land Boundaries: total: 12,034 km border countries: Canada 8,893 km (including 2,477 km with Alaska), Mexico 3,141 km note: US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is leased by the US and is part of Cuba; the base boundary is 28 km
Coastline: 19,924 km
Maritime claims: territorial sea: 12 nm contiguous zone: 24 nm exclusive economic zone: 200 nm continental shelf: not specified
Climate: mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest; low winter temperatures in the northwest are ameliorated occasionally in January and February by warm chinook winds from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains
Terrain: vast central plain, mountains in west, hills and low mountains in east; rugged mountains and broad river valleys in Alaska; rugged, volcanic topography in Hawaii
Elevation extremes: lowest point: Death Valley -86 m highest point: Mount McKinley 6,194 m note: the peak of Mauna Kea (4,207 m above sea level) on the island of Hawaii rises about 10,200 m above the Pacific Ocean floor; by this measurement, it is the world's tallest mountain - higher than Mount Everest, which is recognized as the tallest mountain above sea level
Natural resources: coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, rare earth elements, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, timber note: the US has the world's largest coal reserves with 491 billion short tons accounting for 27% of the world's total
Land use: arable land: 18.01% permanent crops: 0.21% other: 81.78% (2005)
Irrigated land: 230,000 sq km (2003)
Natural hazards: tsunamis; volcanoes; earthquake activity around Pacific Basin; hurricanes along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts; tornadoes in the Midwest and Southeast; mud slides in California; forest fires in the west; flooding; permafrost in northern Alaska, a major impediment to development volcanism: volcanic activity in the Hawaiian Islands, Western Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, and in the Northern Mariana Islands; both Mauna Loa (elev. 4,170 m) in Hawaii and Mount Rainier (elev. 4,392 m) in Washington have been deemed "Decade Volcanoes" by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, worthy of study due to their explosive history and close proximity to human populations; Pavlof (elev. 2,519 m) is the most active volcano in Alaska's Aleutian Arc and poses a significant threat to air travel since the area constitutes a major flight path between North America and East Asia; St. Helens (elev. 2,549 m, famous for the devastating 1980 eruption, remains active today; numerous other historically active volcanoes exist, mostly concentrated in the Aleutian arc and Hawaii; they include: in Alaska: Aniakchak, Augustine, Chiginagak, Fourpeaked, Iliamna, Katmai, Kupreanof, Martin, Novarupta, Redoubt, Spurr, Wrangell; in Hawaii: Trident, Ugashik-Peulik, Ukinrek Maars, Veniaminof; in the Northern Mariana Islands: Anatahan; and in the Pacific Northwest: Mount Baker, Mount Hood
Current Environment Issues: air pollution resulting in acid rain in both the US and Canada; the US is the largest single emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels; water pollution from runoff of pesticides and fertilizers; limited natural freshwater resources in much of the western part of the country require careful management; desertification
International Environment Agreements: party to: Air Pollution, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Antarctic-Environmental Protocol, Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, Antarctic Seals, Antarctic Treaty, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling signed, but not ratified: Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants, Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds, Biodiversity, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Hazardous Wastes
Population: 313,847,465 (July 2012 est.)
Age structure: 0-14 years: 20.1% (male 32,107,900/female 30,781,823) 15-64 years: 66.8% (male 104,411,352/female 104,808,064) 65 years and over: 13.1% (male 17,745,363/female 23,377,542) (2011 est.)
Median age: total: 37.1 years male: 35.8 years female: 38.5 years (2012 est.)
Population growth rate: 0.899% (2012 est.)
Birth rate: 13.68 births/1,000 population (2012 est.)
Death rate: 8.39 deaths/1,000 population (July 2012 est.)
Net migration rate: 3.62 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2012 est.)
Sex ratio: at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.77 male(s)/female total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2011 est.)
Infant mortality rate: total: 5.98 deaths/1,000 live births male: 6.64 deaths/1,000 live births female: 5.3 deaths/1,000 live births (2012 est.)
Life expectancy at birth: total population: 78.49 years male: 76.05 years female: 81.05 years (2012 est.)
Total fertility rate: 2.06 children born/woman (2012 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: 0.6% (2009 est.)
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS: 1.2 million (2009 est.)
HIV/AIDS - deaths: 17,000 (2009 est.)
Nationality: noun: American(s) adjective: American
Ethnic groups: white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate) note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic
Religions: Protestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9%, Mormon 1.7%, other Christian 1.6%, Jewish 1.7%, Buddhist 0.7%, Muslim 0.6%, other or unspecified 2.5%, unaffiliated 12.1%, none 4% (2007 est.)
Languages: English 82.1%, Spanish 10.7%, other Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 2.7%, other 0.7% (2000 census) note: Hawaiian is an official language in the state of Hawaii
Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 99% male: 99% female: 99% (2003 est.)
Country name: conventional long form: United States of America conventional short form: United States abbreviation: US or USA
Government type: Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
Capital: name: Washington, DC geographic coordinates: 38 53 N, 77 02 W time difference: UTC-5 (during Standard Time) daylight saving time: +1hr, begins second Sunday in March; ends first Sunday in November note: the 50 United States cover six time zones
Administrative divisions: 50 states and 1 district*; Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia*, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Dependent areas: American Samoa, Baker Island, Guam, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Wake Island note: from 18 July 1947 until 1 October 1994, the US administered the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; it entered into a political relationship with all four political entities: the Northern Mariana Islands is a commonwealth in political union with the US (effective 3 November 1986); the Republic of the Marshall Islands signed a Compact of Free Association with the US (effective 21 October 1986); the Federated States of Micronesia signed a Compact of Free Association with the US (effective 3 November 1986); Palau concluded a Compact of Free Association with the US (effective 1 October 1994)
Independence: 4 July 1776 (declared); 3 September 1783 (recognized by Great Britain)
National holiday:
Constitution: 17 September 1787, effective 4 March 1789
Legal system: common law system based on English common law at the federal level; state legal systems based on common law except Louisiana, which is based on Napoleonic civil code; judicial review of legislative acts
Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal
Executive branch: chief of state: President Barack H. OBAMA (since 20 January 2009); Vice President Joseph R. BIDEN (since 20 January 2009); note - the president is both the chief of state and head of government head of government: President Barack H. OBAMA (since 20 January 2009); Vice President Joseph R. BIDEN (since 20 January 2009) cabinet: Cabinet appointed by the president with Senate approval (For more information visit the World Leaders website ) elections: president and vice president elected on the same ticket by a college of representatives who are elected directly from each state; president and vice president serve four-year terms (eligible for a second term); election last held 4 November 2008 (next to be held on 6 November 2012) election results: Barack H. OBAMA elected president; percent of popular vote - Barack H. OBAMA 52.4%, John MCCAIN 46.3%, other 1.3%;
Legislative branch: bicameral Congress consists of the Senate (100 seats, 2 members elected from each state by popular vote to serve six-year terms; one-third elected every two years) and the House of Representatives (435 seats; members directly elected by popular vote to serve two-year terms) elections: Senate - last held on 2 November 2010 (next to be held in November 2012); House of Representatives - last held on 2 November 2010 (next to be held in November 2012) election results: Senate - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - Democratic Party 51, Republican Party 47, independent 2; House of Representatives - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - Democratic Party 192, Republican Party 243
Judicial branch: Supreme Court (nine justices; nominated by the president and confirmed with the advice and consent of the Senate; appointed to serve for life); United States Courts of Appeal; United States District Courts; State and County Courts
Political parties and leaders: Democratic Party [Debbie Wasserman SCHULTZ]; Green Party; Libertarian Party [Mark HINKLE]; Republican Party [Reince PRIEBUS]
Political pressure groups and leaders: environmentalists; business groups; labor unions; churches; ethnic groups; political action committees or PAC; health groups; education groups; civic groups; youth groups; transportation groups; agricultural groups; veterans groups; women's groups; reform lobbies
International organization participation: ADB (nonregional member), AfDB (nonregional member), ANZUS, APEC, Arctic Council, ARF, ASEAN (dialogue partner), Australia Group, BIS, BSEC (observer), CBSS (observer), CD, CE (observer), CERN (observer), CICA (observer), CP, EAPC, EAS, EBRD, FAO, FATF, G-20, G-5, G-7, G-8, G-10, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICRM, IDA, IEA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IGAD (partners), IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC, MIGA, MINUSTAH, MONUSCO, NAFTA, NATO, NEA, NSG, OAS, OECD, OPCW, OSCE, Paris Club, PCA, PIF (partner), SAARC (observer), SELEC (observer), SPC, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNITAR, UNMIL, UNRWA, UNSC (permanent), UNTSO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, ZC
The US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $48,100. In this market-oriented economy, private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. US business firms enjoy greater flexibility than their counterparts in Western Europe and Japan in decisions to expand capital plant, to lay off surplus workers, and to develop new products. At the same time, they face higher barriers to enter their rivals' home markets than foreign firms face entering US markets. US firms are at or near the forefront in technological advances, especially in computers and in medical, aerospace, and military equipment; their advantage has narrowed since the end of World War II. The onrush of technology largely explains the gradual development of a "two-tier labor market" in which those at the bottom lack the education and the professional/technical skills of those at the top and, more and more, fail to get comparable pay raises, health insurance coverage, and other benefits. Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households. Since 1996, dividends and capital gains have grown faster than wages or any other category of after-tax income. Imported oil accounts for nearly 55% of US consumption. Oil prices doubled between 2001 and 2006, the year home prices peaked; higher gasoline prices ate into consumers' budgets and many individuals fell behind in their mortgage payments. Oil prices increased another 50% between 2006 and 2008. In 2008, soaring oil prices threatened inflation and caused a deterioration in the US merchandise trade deficit, which peaked at $840 billion. In 2009, with the global recession deepening, oil prices dropped 40% and the US trade deficit shrank, as US domestic demand declined, but in 2011 the trade deficit ramped back up to $803 billion, as oil prices climbed once more. The global economic downturn, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, investment bank failures, falling home prices, and tight credit pushed the United States into a recession by mid-2008. GDP contracted until the third quarter of 2009, making this the deepest and longest downturn since the Great Depression. To help stabilize financial markets, in October 2008 the US Congress established a $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The government used some of these funds to purchase equity in US banks and industrial corporations, much of which had been returned to the government by early 2011. In January 2009 the US Congress passed and President Barack OBAMA signed a bill providing an additional $787 billion fiscal stimulus to be used over 10 years - two-thirds on additional spending and one-third on tax cuts - to create jobs and to help the economy recover. In 2010 and 2011, the federal budget deficit reached nearly 9% of GDP; total government revenues from taxes and other sources are lower, as a percentage of GDP, than that of most other developed countries. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan required major shifts in national resources from civilian to military purposes and contributed to the growth of the US budget deficit and public debt - through 2011, the direct costs of the wars totaled nearly $900 billion, according to US government figures. In March 2010, President OBAMA signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a health insurance reform bill that will extend coverage to an additional 32 million American citizens by 2016, through private health insurance for the general population and Medicaid for the impoverished. Total spending on health care - public plus private - rose from 9.0% of GDP in 1980 to 17.9% in 2010. In July 2010, the president signed the DODD-FRANK Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, a bill designed to promote financial stability by protecting consumers from financial abuses, ending taxpayer bailouts of financial firms, dealing with troubled banks that are "too big to fail," and improving accountability and transparency in the financial system - in particular, by requiring certain financial derivatives to be traded in markets that are subject to government regulation and oversight. Long-term problems include inadequate investment in deteriorating infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable current account and budget deficits - including significant budget shortages for state governments - energy shortages, and stagnation of wages for lower-income families.
GDP (purchasing power parity): GDP (purchasing power parity): $15.29 trillion (2011 est.) $15.03 trillion (2010 est.) $14.58 trillion (2009 est.) note: data are in 2011 US dollars
GDP (official exchange rate): GDP (official exchange rate): $15.09 trillion (2011 est.)
GDP - real growth rate: 1.7% (2011 est.) 3% (2010 est.) -3.5% (2009 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP): GDP - per capita (PPP): $49,000 (2011 est.) $48,500 (2010 est.) $47,400 (2009 est.) note: data are in 2011 US dollars
GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 1.2% industry: 19.2% services: 79.6% (2011 est.)
Labor force: 153.6 million note: includes unemployed (2011 est.)
Labor force - by occupation: farming, forestry, and fishing: 0.7% manufacturing, extraction, transportation, and crafts: 20.3% managerial, professional, and technical: 37.3% sales and office: 24.2% other services: 17.6% note: figures exclude the unemployed (2009)
Unemployment rate: 9% (2011 est.) 9.6% (2010 est.)
Population below poverty line: 15.1% (2010 est.)
Household income or consumption by percentage share: lowest 10%: 2% highest 10%: 30% (2007 est.)
Distribution of family income - Gini index: 45 (2007) 40.8 (1997)
Inflation rate (consumer prices): Inflation rate (consumer prices): 3.1% (2011 est.) 1.6% (2010 est.)
Investment (gross fixed): Investment (gross fixed): 12.4% of GDP (2011 est.)
Budget: revenues: $2.303 trillion expenditures: $3.599 trillion note: for the US, revenues exclude social contributions of approximately $1.0 trillion; expenditures exclude social benefits of approximately $2.3 trillion (2011 est.)
Public debt: 67.7% of GDP (2011 est.) 62.8% of GDP (2010 est.) note: data cover only what the United States Treasury denotes as "Debt Held by the Public," which includes all debt instruments issued by the Treasury that are owned by non-US Government entities; the data include Treasury debt held by foreign entities; the data exclude debt issued by individual US states, as well as intra-governmental debt; intra-governmental debt consists of Treasury borrowings from surpluses in the trusts for Federal Social Security, Federal Employees, Hospital Insurance (Medicare and Medicaid), Disability and Unemployment, and several other smaller trusts; if data for intra-government debt were added, "Gross Debt" would increase by about one-third of GDP
Agriculture - products: wheat, corn, other grains, fruits, vegetables, cotton; beef, pork, poultry, dairy products; fish; forest products
Industries: highly diversified, world leading, high-technology innovator, second largest industrial output in world; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining
Industrial production growth rate: 4.1% (2011 est.)
Electricity - production: 3.953 trillion kWh (2009 est.)
Electricity - consumption: 3.741 trillion kWh (2009 est.)
Electricity - exports: 18.11 billion kWh (2009 est.)
Electricity - imports: 34.32 billion kWh (2009 est.)
Oil - production: 9.688 million bbl/day (2010 est.)
Oil - consumption: 19.15 million bbl/day (2010 est.)
Oil - exports: 1.92 million bbl/day (2009 est.)
Oil - imports: 10.27 million bbl/day (2009 est.)
Oil - proved reserves: 20.68 billion bbl (1 January 2011 est.)
Natural gas - production: 611 billion cu m (2010 est.)
Natural gas - consumption: 683.3 billion cu m (2010 est.)
Natural gas - exports: 32.2 billion cu m (2010 est.)
Natural gas - imports: 105.8 billion cu m (2010 est.)
Natural gas - proved reserves: 7.716 trillion cu m (1 January 2009 est.)
Current account balance: -$473.4 billion (2011 est.) -$470.9 billion (2010 est.)
Exports: $1.497 trillion (2011 est.) $1.289 trillion (2010 est.)
Exports - commodities: agricultural products (soybeans, fruit, corn) 9.2%, industrial supplies (organic chemicals) 26.8%, capital goods (transistors, aircraft, motor vehicle parts, computers, telecommunications equipment) 49.0%, consumer goods (automobiles, medicines) 15.0%
Exports - partners: Canada 19%, Mexico 13.3%, China 7%, Japan 4.5% (2011)
Imports: $2.236 trillion (2011 est.) $1.935 trillion (2010 est.)
Imports - commodities: agricultural products 4.9%, industrial supplies 32.9% (crude oil 8.2%), capital goods 30.4% (computers, telecommunications equipment, motor vehicle parts, office machines, electric power machinery), consumer goods 31.8% (automobiles, clothing, medicines, furniture, toys)
Imports - partners: China 18.4%, Canada 14.2%, Mexico 11.7%, Japan 5.8%, Germany 4.4% (2011)
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $148 billion (31 December 2011 est.) $132.4 billion (31 December 2010 est.)
Debt - external: $14.71 trillion (30 June 2011) $13.98 trillion (30 June 2010) note: approximately 4/5ths of US external debt is denominated in US dollars; foreign lenders have been willing to hold US dollar denominated debt instruments because they view the dollar as the world's reserve currency
Stock of direct foreign investment - at home: $2.571 trillion (31 December 2011 est.) $2.343 trillion (31 December 2010 est.)
Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $4.314 trillion (31 December 2011 est.) $3.908 trillion (31 December 2010 est.)
Market value of publicly traded shares: $15.64 trillion (31 December 2011) $17.14 trillion (31 December 2010) $15.08 trillion (31 December 2009)
Exchange rates: British pounds per US dollar: 0.6176 (2011 est.), 0.6468 (2010 est.), 0.6494 (2009), 0.5302 (2008), 0.4993 (2007) Canadian dollars per US dollar: 0.9801 (2011 est.), 1.0302 (2010 est.), 1.1431 (2009), 1.0364 (2008), 1.0724 (2007) Chinese yuan per US dollar: 6.455 (2011 est.), 6.7703 (2010 est.), 6.8314 (2009), 6.9385 (2008), 7.61 (2007) euros per US dollar: 0.7107 (2011 est.), 0.755 (2010 est.), 0.7198 (2009), 0.6827 (2008), 0.7345 (2007) Japanese yen per US dollar: 79.67 (2011 est.), 87.78 (2010), 93.57 (2009), 103.58 (2008), 117.99 (2007)
Fiscal year: 1 October - 30 September
Telephones in use: 151 million (2009) country comparison to the world: 2
Cellular Phones in use: 279 million (2009)
Telephone system: general assessment: a large, technologically advanced, multipurpose communications system domestic: a large system of fiber-optic cable, microwave radio relay, coaxial cable, and domestic satellites carries every form of telephone traffic; a rapidly growing cellular system carries mobile telephone traffic throughout the country international: country code - 1; multiple ocean cable systems provide international connectivity; satellite earth stations - 61 Intelsat (45 Atlantic Ocean and 16 Pacific Ocean), 5 Intersputnik (Atlantic Ocean region), and 4 Inmarsat (Pacific and Atlantic Ocean regions) (2000)
Radio broadcast stations:
Television broadcast stations:
Internet country code: .us
Internet hosts: 498 million (2011); note - the US Internet total host count includes the following top level domain host addresses: .us, .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .net, and .org
Internet users: 245 million (2009)
Airports: 15,079 (2010) country comparison to the world: 1
Airports (paved runways): total: 5,194 over 3,047 m: 189 2,438 to 3,047 m: 235 1,524 to 2,437 m: 1,479 914 to 1,523 m: 2,316 under 914 m: 975 (2010)
Airports (unpaved runways): total: 9,885 2,438 to 3,047 m: 7 1,524 to 2,437 m: 155 914 to 1,523 m: 1,752 under 914 m: 7,971 (2010)
Heliports: 126 (2012)
Pipelines: petroleum products 244,620 km; natural gas 548,665 km (2010)
Railways: total: 224,792 km standard gauge: 224,792 km 1.435-m gauge (2007)
Roadways: total: 6,506,204 km paved: 4,374,784 km (includes 75,238 km of expressways) unpaved: 2,131,420 km (2008)
Waterways: 41,009 km (19,312 km used for commerce; Saint Lawrence Seaway of 3,769 km, including the Saint Lawrence River of 3,058 km, is shared with Canada) (2012)
Merchant marine: total: 393 by type: barge carrier 6, bulk carrier 55, cargo 51, carrier 2, chemical tanker 30, container 84, passenger 18, passenger/cargo 56, petroleum tanker 35, refrigerated cargo 3, roll on/roll off 27, vehicle carrier 26 foreign-owned: 85 (Australia 1, Bermuda 5, Denmark 31, France 4, Germany 5, Malaysia 2, Norway 17, Singapore 16, UK 4) registered in other countries: 794 (Antigua and Barbuda 7, Australia 2, Bahamas 109, Belgium 1, Bermuda 26, Canada 10, Cayman Islands 57, Comoros 2, Cyprus 5, Georgia 1, Greece 8, Honduras 1, Hong Kong 44, Indonesia 2, Ireland 2, Isle of Man 1, Italy 23, Liberia 53, Malta 34, Marshall Islands 200, Netherlands 16, Norway 10, Panama 90, Portugal 4, Saint Kitts and Nevis 1, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 18, Singapore 36, South Korea 8, Togo 1, UK 14, Vanuatu 2, unknown 6) (2010)
Ports and terminals: cargo ports (tonnage): Baton Rouge, Corpus Christi, Houston, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Plaquemines, Tampa, Texas City container ports (TEUs): Los Angeles (7,849,985), Long Beach (6,350,125), New York/New Jersey (5,265,058), Savannah (2,616,126), Oakland (2,236,244), Hampton Roads (2,083,278) (2008) cruise departure ports (passengers): Miami (2,032,000), Port Everglades (1,277,000), Port Canaveral (1,189,000), Seattle (430,000), Long Beach (415,000) (2009) oil terminals: LOOP terminal, Haymark terminal
Military branches: United States Armed Forces: US Army, US Navy (includes Marine Corps), US Air Force, US Coast Guard; note - Coast Guard administered in peacetime by the Department of Homeland Security, but in wartime reports to the Department of the Navy (2009)
Military service age and obligation: 18 years of age (17 years of age with parental consent) for male and female voluntary service; maximum enlistment age 42 (Army), 27 (Air Force), 34 (Navy), 28 (Marines); service obligation 8 years, including 2-5 years active duty (Army), 2 years active (Navy), 4 years active (Air Force, Marines) (2010)
Manpower available for military service: males age 16-49: 73,270,043 females age 16-49: 71,941,969 (2010 est.)
Manpower fit for military service: males age 16-49: 60,620,143 females age 16-49: 59,401,941 (2010 est.)
Source: CIA - The World Factbook
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